Application is currently CLOSED for the ILLUMINATE journey. Sign up for the free Newsletter to know when doors open again for the next cohort!


Transform your stress, with this powerful group coaching programme.

Stress is a complicated psychophysiological matter, which is why we find it so hard to navigate, but new science has revealed powerful ways in which we can transform our stress, and significantly improve our health in the process.

During the ILLUMINATE journey, you will be guided through a range of information, activities and techniques, all based on proven scientific methods, and includes areas such as psychology, neuroscience, biochemistry, and therapeutical coaching.

The programme is delivered via weekly group zoom coaching calls, which are supported by this comprehensive container, giving access to additional video lessons and downloadable information and activity sheets to support your journey. The programme is a very relaxed and supportive environment, and your cohort will also have its own private Facebook group where you can support each other, share ideas and ask questions. I guide you through the programme within this private group, keeping you accountable and on track, as well as offering help and being on hand for any questions, further explanations, or bonus chats around specific topics that you may feel you need along the way.

If you are interested in knowing more, and to make sure that this programme is the right fit for you at the moment, please fill in the application form and we can have a chat to see if it is a good time for you to ILLUMUNATE, or if perhaps another service or product would serve you better at the moment.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Nikki xx

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